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AME Church and GirlTrek partner to encourage healthier living AME Church and GirlTrek partner to encourage healthier living

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AME Church and GirlTrek partner to encourage healthier living

Posted on Sun, Sep 28, 2014

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Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, the 20th Editor, The Christian Recorder

The Christian Recorder News Break – AME Church and GirlTrek partner to encourage healthier living
The Rev. Miriam Burnett, MD, MPH said, "It is my absolute pleasure to tell you about something exciting happening across the country - a partnership between the African Methodist Episcopal Church and GirlTrek."
GirlTrek is a national organization that inspires Black women and girls to live their healthiest, most-fulfilled lives – simply by walking.  GirlTrek has been featured on CNN, in The New York Times and was recently named “Health Heroes” by Essence Magazine for rallying 25,000 neighborhood walkers across the country.  Last year, the White House commended GirlTrek for starting walking teams in over 150 churches. 
Starting October 1st, we want you and your church to join us! GirlTrek is beginning its third annual “9-Day Prayer Trek.”  Last year, the national champions were members of DuPage AME Church in Lisle, Illinois. Which church will take the trophy home this year?
What is the 9-Day Prayer Trek?
Here’s how it works 
Mark your calendar!  On October 1st, we start walking – 30 minutes per day for 9 days straight.  You can walk by yourself or in a group.
As you walk, pray and practice acts of kindness in accordance with the 9 Fruits of the Spirit, i.e., love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
GirlTrek will email positive affirmations, prayer starters, trek destinations and “extra mile” service challenges to inspire team members to keep the faith and finish the course!  We will be on double duty walking and praying to fight against unhealthy habits, inspire our girls and take back the streets of our neighborhoods.
Organize a team at your church!  It’s easy and free!  The more women and girls who walk with you, the more points your church earns.  This is a health journey and a spirited competition!!!  Last year, 150 churches participated across America!  The willing church team will win bragging rights and be honorees at a catered awards reception to receive GirlTrek’s national trophy!!
Ready, set, spread the word.  Register yourself at
Then, register your church team and download everything you need – a roster, order form for T-shirts, daily walking assignments – at!prayer-trek/c1n4q
Special invitation for AME Churches:
Please mark your calendar - all health ministry leaders are invited to join the Rev. Natalie Mitchem, Executive Director of the AMEC Connectional Health Commission and the GirlTrek team on Friday, September 26th at 8 p.m. ET. 
To participate, dial into the Health Commission conference call line at 424-203-8405 / Passcode 993296# or listen in online at: 
Fall is a time to reflect on God’s grace. For 9-Days – beginning October 1st, we will serve as “Walking Witnesses” giving thanks for our “temples.” (See: I Corinthians 6:19-20)
The Rev. Miriam J Burnett, MD, MPH
Medical Director 
AMEC Connectional Health Commission 
The Rev. Morgan Dixon
Chair, GirlTrek Church Commission
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