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AME Voter Alert  (V-ALERT) AME Voter Alert (V-ALERT)

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AME Voter Alert (V-ALERT)

Posted on Thu, Aug 11, 2016

Social Action Update


AME Voter Alert  (V-ALERT)
CONTACT:  Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker

213-494-9493[email protected]

The African Methodist Episcopal Church is calling for all of its local congregations in the United States to make voter engagement a priority once again.  In 2016, under the leadership of the Connectional Lay Organization, a majority of the AME Church's components, organizations, and ministries are re-committing to the very principles that led to its founding in 1787 and its incorporation in 1816. As stated in a powerful letter from the bishops of the church, "Your Council of Bishops speaks in a unified voice challenging you to become engaged, to catch the vision, and to move forward in the fulfilling of the dream of a better tomorrow."
In challenging its members to take action, the Bishops' Council continues, "If you have not already created your own action plan, please utilize this toolkit from the AME V-Alert ( website. On the website you can share your events and outcomes with us. Let our voices be the voices of the voiceless. Let us use our talents, our resources and our time to insure justice to all while others ponder political correctness."
The AME V-Alert website has a smorgasbord of resources, links to partners, toolkit for advocacy and education, and worship materials.  Its use is not limited to the church, but can be used by community coalitions, neighborhood block clubs, and interested individuals. The AME V-Alert Team is prepared for rapid response and connection to experts when incidents of voter disenfranchisement , voter registration challenges, voting day poll locations, etc are reported.

Partners include the African American Ministers Leadership Council (PFAW), Freedom Sunday Coalition, NAACP, and NAACP Legal Defense Fund.  
For more information and to connect with the AME V-Alert Movement, go to
   Discussion: AME Voter Alert (V-ALERT)

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