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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Annual Missionary Day Annual Missionary Day

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Annual Missionary Day

Posted on Wed, Aug 9, 2006

August 27, 2006

The annual Missionary Day Celebration is August 27, 2006 during the 10:30am morning service. The guest speaker is Rev. Valerie Toney-Parker, Assosciate Minister of St. John AME Church, Aurora, IL. There is an assessment of $25.00.

Following the service, a dinner will be held at the Old Country Buffet in Streamwood. A private room has been reserved for the dinner. Please sign up in advance in the Narthex or contact the LMS President, Joyce Scruggs.

All are invited to attend. Thank you in advance for your continued suport.

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