Dr. Carter G. Woodson
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Black History Month and Founder's Day 2006
Posted on Sun, Jan 8, 2006
Celebrating Community; Honoring 125 Years of
Courage, Service, Civil Rights & Entrepreneurship
Topic of the week will be addressed in Sunday School and the Morning Worship Service.
Commemorative Booklet:
Will feature Prominent African Americans Bios (our local heroes) and adds from businesses we support. Since this is our 125th Anniversary, booklet will be designed so that it can also be used for the Anniversary Month events.
Change 4 Change: $500
Weekly spare change collection�.just drop it off in the Narthex.
February 10th: movie night in the fellowship hall featuring a movie about the life of Rosa Parks. 7:00pm
February 17th, Family BHM program at the Gail Borden Elgin Public Library. 7:00pm-9:00pm
February 19th: BHM youth program featuring the youth of our Church and youth guests from the community. 3:00pm
February 25th: Gala Event: Prairie Arts Center in Schaumburg, 201 Schaumburg Ct, Schaumburg, IL. Event will feature a Reception and Silent Auction. The purchase of the tickets will also provide the opportunty to meet the Playright and admission to the play �Whatever Happened to the Dream." Tickets are $35.00.
For more info or to volunteer to help out with any of the events see Laveta Small or Wes Scott.
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