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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Breaking News: AME Music and Christian Arts Ministry presents International Virtual Mass Choir Pentecost video Breaking News: AME Music and Christian Arts Ministry presents International Virtual Mass Choir Pentecost video

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Breaking News: AME Music and Christian Arts Ministry presents International Virtual Mass Choir Pentecost video

Posted on Sun, May 31, 2020

TCR Breaking News: MCAM presents International Virtual Mass Choir Pentecost video

To celebrate Pentecost, the Music and Christian Arts Ministry of the AME Church presents an International Mass Choir. Connectional Director Rev. Maurice Wright states, "This musical offering is comprised of musicians and singers from across the globe. We invite you to share this presentation on your church broadcasts, social media platforms, and websites in celebration of Pentecost Sunday."

The video is available by clicking the MCAM logo above or the Facebook link here.

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