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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Call to Conscience: Forward to Action CONFERENCE CALL TODAY! Call to Conscience: Forward to Action CONFERENCE CALL TODAY!

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Call to Conscience: Forward to Action CONFERENCE CALL TODAY!

Posted on Wed, Aug 15, 2018


Dear AME Members:

Please find below a message from Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, President, A. M. E. Church Council of Bishops:



August 15, 2018
All clergy, laity, WMS, RAYAC, YPD, Sons of Allen etc ........ are invited to join in on a conference call tomorrow night Wednesday, August 15th, at 9PM EST/ 6PM PST regarding the “Call to Conscience - Forward to Action ” events scheduled for September 5th and 6th in Washington D.C. Please reach out to other clergy, lay and interested persons of ALL Denominations to call in. Now is the time for the church to come together and get organized.
Please spread the word. 

Bishop Reginald T. Jackson
President, Council of Bishops

Send all e-blast request to [email protected]

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