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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

�Celebrating God�s Blessings�

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�Celebrating God�s Blessings�

Posted on Sun, Mar 13, 2005

St. James AME Church 124th Anniversary

This year marks our Church�s 124th Anniversary. In celebration many exciting things are on the horizon for the month of April.

April 17th is �Homecoming� Day. We encourage everyone to attend Sunday School and the Morning Service on that day. All former members are invited to celebrate with us and we ask that current members make an extra effort to invite a friend and fill the pews. Our guest speaker for the morning service will be one of our former members, Rev. Dr. Gerri Crider.

April 24th will mark the culmination of our Anniversary events with an afternoon of song and praise. A very special guest speaker is invited to share in the celebration with us. Following the program, we will have a fellowship reception to end the festivities with libation and sustenance.

Aside from these special services, you can help us celebrate in many other ways. We will produce a Commemorative Anniversary Program Booklet filled with historical pictures from St. James past, adds from business and entrepreneurial supporters, family photos and more. The contact person for more information on the booklet is Bro. Jack Steele.

For the next several Sundays, individual and family portraits will be offered after the morning service. These photos can be included in our anniversary booklet and/or made available to you in 8x10 format for only $10.00. Additional sizes may be available upon request.

If you�d like to help out with any of the activities, or if you would like additional information, check out the bulletin board in the narthex or contact Dr. Wes Scott.

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