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Chicago Annual Conference Report Chicago Annual Conference Report

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Chicago Annual Conference Report

Posted on Tue, Oct 25, 2005

Transcript from the report to the congregation by Dr. W.E. Scott; Delegate to the
Chicago Annual Conference.
Rev & Mrs. Senyah, pulpit attendees, Members of St James,  Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to attend and represent St. James at the 4th Episcopal District�s 123rd Session of the Chicago Annual Conference. .
Conference dates attended were October 5, 6 & 7.
As the Bishop spoke in several of the sessions I attended, he emphasized tithing, ministerial education, the roles of the Stewards and Trustees and understanding the doctrine of the Church.
The Bishop also pointed out that Monies paid by this Conference to the Connectional Church was less that 4% of total funds raised. As each Church provided their report he related the contribution numbers to their overall funds raised. In all cases, the individual Church contributions were less than the 4% threshold of the Church�s collections. He said he would not lower any of the Church�s current obligations to the Conference. He also pointed out that some Churches chose to contribute more than their obligation. One in particular mentioned was Dupage AME.
Dr Leah Gaskin Fitchue, President of Payne theological Seminary spoke highly of the role of the AME Church in keeping the Seminary viable and accredited through their support and funding. She also spoke of a program under development that would allow for completion of the Master�s of Divinity Degree through online and other non-traditional sources. 
Finally, we welcome Rev & Mrs. Senyah & Joseph back to St James for another year of Service to this Church and our community.
It is my hope that in future conference session, more members of St. James will attend to support our Pastor and to fully capture and understand the mission of the Church, The AME doctrine and polity as well as other business aspects of the Church.
Our planning budget provided for funding necessary for my travel and lodging. I will however donate my expenses to the Church.
Dr. W.E. Scott
October 16, 2005
   Discussion: Chicago Annual Conference Report

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