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Children's Health & Safety Fair in Carpentersville Children's Health & Safety Fair in Carpentersville

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Children's Health & Safety Fair in Carpentersville

Posted on Wed, Apr 30, 2008

More than 40 organizations are scheduled to participate on Saturday, May 10 at a Children's Health & Safety Fair sponsored by State Representative Ruth Munson (R-Elgin). In its third year, the fair is designed to provide practical information and free health screenings to help protect our children.
"We have a full line-up of professionals who will offer information on how families can keep their children healthy and safe," Munson said. "It is important that families continually review safety tips and keep abreast of the latest health advances so they can be better equipped to handle situations if they arise."
Participants in the event include but are not limited to: Carpentersville Police & Fire Departments; Greater Elgin Family Care Center; Kane County Health Department; Dundee Township Park District; Sylvan Learning Center and more.
Free screenings for scoliosis and blood pressure will be offered. In addition, information will be available on bicycle safety, backpack safety, healthy snack programs, poison control, West Nile Virus, and other health and safety related topics.
The Children's Health & Safety Fair will take place on Saturday, May 10, from 9 a.m. to noon at Lakewood Elementary School, 1651 Ravine Lane, Carpentersville, IL.
Admission is free for the event that includes refreshments and entertainment.
For more information, contact Rep. Munson at 847-622-1048.
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