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COB Statement on The American Health Care Act  COB Statement on The American Health Care Act

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COB Statement on The American Health Care Act

Posted on Sun, Mar 19, 2017




African Methodist  Episcopal Church




Dear Members:

Please find below a link to  the Council of Bishops' Statement on The American Health Care Act.

Click on the link below to view the statement:




On Behalf of the African Methodist Episcopal Church,

Its Council of Bishops  -  

Active Bishops

Bishop John Franklin White, President Council of Bishops

Bishop McKinley Young, Senior Bishop
Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson Jr.
Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, President General Board
Bishop Gregory Gerald McKinley Ingram
Bishop Wilfred Jacobus Messiah
Bishop Paul Jones Mulenga Kawimbe
Bishop James Levert Davis
Bishop David Rwhynica Daniels Jr.
Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green Sr.
Bishop E. Earl McCloud Jr.
Bishop Jeffrey Nathaniel Leath
Bishop Julius Harrison McAllister Sr.
Bishop Clement Willie Fugh

Bishop Reginald Thomas Jackson  Bishop Harry L. Seawright  Bishop Michael L. Mitchell  Bishop E. Anne Henning-Byfield  Bishop Ronnie E. Brailsford Sr.  Bishop Stafford J. N. Wicker  Bishop Frank M. Reid III

Retired Bishops

Bishop John Hurst Adams
Bishop Frederick Hilborn Talbot
Bishop Frederick Calhoun James
Bishop Frank Curtis Cummings
Bishop Phillip Robert Cousin, Sr.

Bishop Henry Allen Belin, Jr.  Bishop John Richard Bryant  Bishop Robert Vaughn Webster
Bishop Zedekiah LaZett Grady
Bishop Cornal Garnett Henning, Sr.
Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr.
Bishop Theodore Larry Kirkland, Sr.  
Bishop Richard Franklin Norris  Bishop Preston Warren Williams II  Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry



   Discussion: COB Statement on The American Health Care Act

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