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Connectional Lay Organization Releases New Study Guide Dedicated to Discipleship Connectional Lay Organization Releases New Study Guide Dedicated to Discipleship

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Connectional Lay Organization Releases New Study Guide Dedicated to Discipleship

Posted on Thu, Oct 1, 2015

September 30, 2015

SEPTEMBER 30, 2015


The Connectional Lay Organization Online


Bishop William P. DeVeaux, Sr.

Lay Commission Chairman


Dr. Willie C. Glover

Global President - Connectional Lay Organization


Mr. Walter C. Jeffers

Director of Public Relations



Connectional Lay Organization Releases New Study Guide

Dedicated to Discipleship



At the recent Biennial Session of the Connectional Lay Organization (CLO) held in Charleston, South Carolina, the CLO launched its 2015-2017 Study Guide on the theme “Laity Fulfilling the Great Commission”. This theme draws from General AME Church theme for 2012-2016: Fulfilling the Great Commission—The Goal, Cost, Evidence, Harvest and Fruit of Discipleship



Designed to be a practical congregational resource to help in the making of Christian Disciples, the study guide is divided into Perspectives on the Theme, Training Modules, Applications and Resources. Under the overall direction of CLO Director of Lay Activities Edith Bartley Cartledge, the book was conceptualized and edited by Paulette Coleman, Ph.D. At its heart are over 15 guided activities to assist in discipleship training in a variety of situations targeting young adults, those in rural areas, and those committed to social justice advocacy. The book features contributions from clergy and laity representing twelve Episcopal Districts from the United States, Africa and the Caribbean. 




The Lay Study Guide translates the concept of discipleship into its practical application of making disciples in the second decade of the 21st century. By using the Study Guide and implementing the modules, discipleship becomes the priority for all of us.”



 -- Bishop William P DeVeaux, Sr., CLO Commission Chair





“This tool enables us to fully embrace the AME Church’s connectional quadrennial theme of Fulfilling the Great Commission. We know that the essence of discipleship rests on the firm foundation of faith.”

 -- Willie C. Glover, PhD., CLO President



The Connectional Lay Organization makes this resource available to all African Methodists, clergy and laity, as a toolkit to explore the quadrennial theme. The Study Guide goes beyond that by equipping the church with the essential tools and skills for discipleship and disciple making. But beyond as discipleship never stops. 



Copies of this invaluable resource are available for purchase by contacting your Episcopal District Lay President.




Edith Bartley Cartledge


Connectional Lay Organization


Connectional Director of Lay Activities




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