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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Dr. Ethel H. Russaw - Article: Outstaning Educators in the AME Dr. Ethel H. Russaw - Article: Outstaning Educators in the AME

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Dr. Ethel H. Russaw - Article: Outstaning Educators in the AME

Posted on Tue, Oct 15, 2013

Dr Ethel H Russaw published an article titled Outstaning Educators in the AME in Octobers AME Review. Dr Russaw explained the importance of the Sunday and how it led to the emergence of great Law scholars including, Sarah Kane Woodson Early and Mother Beverly Thomas. Please endeavor to read the article.There is also an article titled The African American Churches Mandate on Environmental Stewardship by our own Presiding Elder Henning Byfield. We are proud of the contribution of Laity in the 4th District

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