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"Friends and Family" Church Picnic
Posted on Sun, Jul 12, 2009
Please join us on Saturday August 8 from noon-3:00pm for our Church picnic. Our focus this year is to share with our friends and family. Please invite others to share the day with us.
It will be a great day of fun, fellowship, games, and good food. If your last name begins with an A-L, please bring a desert to share, M-Z please bring a salad. Sign-up in the Narthex so we know how many to plan for. If you are interested in donating drinks, meats or other items, please let us know.
In an effort to appeal to all age groups, we have expanded the activities this year. For the young or young at heart, there will be a water balloon toss and other appropriate games. For the active, we have the children/adult baseball and children/adult soccer games. For the less active, we will have horseshoes and more.
Please bring whatever sporting gear you may need. We will try to have baseball and soccer games, kids against the adults.
For more information, please contact Dr. Wes Scott or Sis Elaine Miller Sunday School Superintendents.
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