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Happy Thanksgiving from the Connectional Lay Organization Happy Thanksgiving from the Connectional Lay Organization

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Connectional Lay Organization

Posted on Wed, Nov 25, 2015

NOVEMBER 25, 2015


The Connectional Lay Organization Online


Bishop William P. DeVeaux, Sr.

Lay Commission Chairman


Dr. Willie C. Glover

Global President - Connectional Lay Organization


Mr. Walter C. Jeffers

Director of Public Relations



For All that You Give Us


Dear Lord, On this Thanksgiving Day,
we are thankful for all that You give us,
for all that You do for us, for all that You teach us.
Thank You for guiding us to live our lives
in Your will, in Your purpose, in Your plan for us.


Thank You for Your protection from worldly influence and danger. Thank You for bringing us gently to a deeper knowledge of You and what You want from us,
with Your love, mercy, compassion and grace.


And thank you, Lord, for the blessings we are experiencing right now at this very moment--
the food, and the precious people who are with us
to enjoy this meal and this day. Thank You, Lord.




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