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Health & Wholeness Ministry Newsletter: December 2005 Health & Wholeness Ministry Newsletter: December 2005

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Health & Wholeness Ministry Newsletter: December 2005

Posted on Tue, Nov 29, 2005

Top 10 things to know about Part D (Medicare Prescription Drug Program)

Health & Wholeness Ministry Newsletter: December 2005

Top 10 things to know about Part D (Medicare Prescription Drug Program)

Medicare Part D is the new prescription drug program available to all people eligible for Medicare beginning January 1, 2006.

Medicare Part D is an optional plan. Its benefits can include saving you money today as well being your insurance policy for the future.

Enrolling in Medicare Part D is easy. Medicare will provide program information to eligible participants in fall 2005.

Medicare Part D will be available for a monthly premium from a variety of private companies over a six-month open-enrollment period beginning November 15, 2005 and ending May 15, 2006.

Medicare Part D plans will vary in terms of cost, prescription drugs that are covered and pharmacies that may be used.

Medicare Part D works with Medicare Parts A and B. Individuals entitled to Part A or enrolled in Part B can receive help paying for prescription drugs. In general, Medicare Part D will become more beneficial to the enrollee as prescription drug costs increase.

Medicare Part D provides additional assistance for low-income individuals, including no monthly premiums, no deductibles and no gap in coverage for qualified individuals

Individuals who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid ("Dual Eligibles") who have not already selected a Part D plan will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part D by their state agency in the fall.

Eligible individuals who choose not to enroll during the initial open-enrollment period (November 15, 2005-May 15, 2006) may enroll from November 15 and December 31 of each subsequent year, but penalties will apply.

Enrollees can change their qualified prescription drug coverage plan any time through May 15 of 2006. In subsequent years, enrollees will be able to change their plan from November 15 to December 31 of each year to be implemented on January 1 of the following year.

   Discussion: Health & Wholeness Ministry Newsletter: December 2005

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