Posted on Mon, Jan 21, 2019
In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. urged the nation to focus on "The fierce urgency of now." His words are ringing out in 2019! "We can not be apathetic or complacent when our country is so divided. We need positive action to help us all realize The Dream."
What is Your Dream?
Where Do You Stand?
Have You taken a step?
The Young People of the African Methodist Episcopal Church are taking a stance!
Are we listening?
No More Bullying in Our Schools!
Jett Omari Stephens, a member of Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church (Hillsboro, MD), wrote, submitted and presented a speech for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Visionary Kids Contest. The theme was Realizing the Dream: The time is Now. His speech was titled, "No More Bullying in our Schools."
Please take a moment to check out the video, read his speech, and share it with other young people because BULLYING is a serious situation for the bully as well as the victim!
Jeffery Cooper
General Secretary/CIO
African Methodist Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 331028 - 500 8th Avenue South - Nashville, TN 37203
Office: 615-254-0911 - Fax: 615-254-0912 - [email protected]
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