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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Illinois Budget Cuts Impacting Women, Children and Families Illinois Budget Cuts Impacting Women, Children and Families

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Illinois Budget Cuts Impacting Women, Children and Families

Posted on Wed, Jun 17, 2009

Urgent: Stop Illinois Budget Cuts Impacting Women, Children and Families


  • 2,800 Child Care Providers would close, leaving thousands of parents and young children without care in Kane, Cook and Dupage counties.
  • 1,992 adults would Lose access to Literacy Education next year in the Elgin District alone.
  • Cuts would creat dire economic consequences in Elgin.
YWCA Elgin can keep providing child care and Adult Education IF the State of Illinois does its job!
 Now, Here's What You Can Do:
 Call goverment officials
 1. John Cullerton, Senate President
 Springfield:(217) 782-2728
 District Office:(773) 883-0770
 2. Michael Madigan, Speaker of the House
 Springfield: (217) 782 - 5350
 District Office: (773) 581 - 8000
 3. Tom Cross, House Minority Leader
 Springfield: (217) 782 - 1331
 District Office: (815) 254 - 0000
 4. Pat Quinn, Governor
 Springfield: (217) 782-0244
 District Office: (312) 814-2121
 Say:My name is X, and I'm calling on behalf 
 of the YWCA Elgin about the FY10 budget. Please
 protect human services in Illinois including the
 59,022 children who would lose their childcare
 placement, and the 59,022 adults who would
 lose access to Adult Education across the state
 next year.

YWCA Elgin
220 E. Chicago St.
Elgin, IL 60120
email: [email protected]
Phone: 847-742-7930
Fax: 847-742-8217
   Discussion: Illinois Budget Cuts Impacting Women, Children and Families

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