The Reverend Jesse Hawkins
Senior Pastor
September 23, 2016
Beloved A.M.E. Family,
Greetings in the awesome name of Jesus!
The 4th Episcopal District is pleased to host the Investiture worship service and reception for our newly assigned Presiding Prelate and President of the Council of Bishops, The Right Reverend John Franklin White. As a ministry team, Bishop White and Episcopal Supervisor Mrs. Penny Hartfield White have committed themselves to God, people and community; effectively served as leaders in the great state of Florida; and partnered in ministry with clergy and laity across the Connectional church. Since being elected and consecrated the 130th Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Bishop White and Supervisor Penny have served as humble, and effective spiritual leaders in every episcopal assignment. No doubt, the White episcopal team have honored the biblical commission to further the kingdom mission and ministry of Jesus Christ.
As we prepare to celebrate the Investiture of Bishop White as the President of the Council, we are thankful and grateful to God for the privilege and honor to recognize our bishop and servant leader. We solicit your support as Connectional leaders of our great Zion by offering congratulatory remarks and salutations in the souvenir journal that will commemorate this momentous occasion.
You may download the solicitation form from the following web address:
All souvenir journal congratulatory messages must be camera ready. Photos should be high resolution (300dpi) and received on or before, but absolutely no later than November 15, 2016 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. There can be no extensions.
Please email your completed solicitation form to:
[email protected].
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 630-898-5333.
Many Blessings,
Jesse Hawkins, Chairman
Investiture Souvenir Journal