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Marion Lee Johnson: “A Hidden Figure” By Rev. W. Golden Carmon, 1st Episcopal District Marion Lee Johnson: “A Hidden Figure” By Rev. W. Golden Carmon, 1st Episcopal District

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Marion Lee Johnson: “A Hidden Figure” By Rev. W. Golden Carmon, 1st Episcopal District

Posted on Mon, May 15, 2017

TCR News Digest 05.15.2017

Marion Lee Johnson: “A Hidden Figure”
By Rev. W. Golden Carmon, 1st Episcopal District

Marion Lee Johnson, a “Hidden Figure,” graduated from Tompkins High School in Savannah, Georgia, receiving the honor of Valedictorian of her class. She attended Talladega College in Talladega, Alabama, majoring in mathematics. After graduating from Talladega College, she began her career as an Associate Engineer at Boeing Company in Huntsville, Alabama in 1967.

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More Jordans to Cross
By Dr. Michael A. Cousin, 4th Episcopal District

It seems that there is tension emerging within the church involving “youthful angst” and “experienced saints.” A “Generation Gap exists between different beliefs, politics and values.“ Youthful Angst” seeks the power from the “Seasoned Saints;” conversely, the seasoned saints expect respect from the youth for what they have established. A dialogue may provide the groundwork needed for a solution. 

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Church Rip Off Artists
By Rev. Mark Whitlock, 5th Episcopal District




In bad economic times, churches are the target of professional con artists committed to ripping the church off. Some rip off artists hit 50 churches a day. Con artists are good at creating compelling stories for financial gain. Pastors and the benevolent committee are tasked with making donations to people in need and weeding out the rip off artists. How should we determine who should receive a financial donation?

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Let's Shift the Policing Paradigm from Occupation to Protection—with our Voices and Ideas in the Wake of Jordan Edwards Shooting Death
By Yulise Waters, Esq.,10th Episcopal District




The angst that flushed through me after learning of Jordan Edwards’ shooting death by a Balch Spring officer’s rifle Saturday night settled into resignation as I thought about my son, age 10. I still have to let him go out the door. We can’t keep him in the house and sheltered from it all. Another as-yet-unexplainable death of a black boy has black parents throughout the Dallas area wondering how to keep their children from being added to the growing list: Tamir Rice of Cleveland, Laquan McDonald of Chicago, and Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri.

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Supporting African-American Returning Citizens: Insights from the Prodigal Son
By Rev. Jason Curry, PhD., Columnist


When I first learned about the concept of restorative justice (e.g., restoring justice to those who have been stripped of it), I must admit the ministry to returning citizens (e.g., citizens who were released from incarceration and returning to society) was not appealing to me. I know many people who have spent periods of time in jail. Their actions often brought tremendous hardship upon their families, friends, and community.
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Editorial: United We Stand
By Bishop Staccato Powell, AME Zion Church

Prior to the unjustifiable killings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Black Lives Matters, and the election of the 45th President of these United States, the Nation’s three largest Black Methodist denominations—AME, AME Zion, and CME Churches—with combined memberships of more than five million, convened a historic gathering in Columbia, South Carolina, March 1-3, 2010. The ultimate goal of the gathering was to “Address the plight of the African American male and his critical role in America’s families and communities.” This unprecedented convening of historic African American Methodist gave birth to the Black Methodist United.

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Connectional News

AME-SADA Sunday is May 21st

The AME Church Service and Development Agency, Inc. (AME-SADA) is a 501c3 non-profit corporation created by the AME Church over three decades ago. We are asking all congregations to celebrate AME-SADA Sunday on Sunday, May 21, 2017 as a time to reflect on the work and mission and give generously.  Click the logo above or the link below to learn how you can participate.

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General Board AME Church Self-Study

The General Board, in its December 2016 organizational meeting, voted to engage in a self-study. This self-study will be a collaborative process which includes all stakeholders including but not limited to the Council of Bishops, General Officers, Connectional Officers, Seminary, College and University Presidents, and adult and young adult commission members

.The Self-Study is only limited by the creativity of its participants and a financial budget. However, clergy and lay leaders are encouraged to broaden the self-study beyond the General Board to the connectional church. You can devise your own survey, hold focus group discussions and share your thoughts at [email protected].

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The Investiture Celebration 2017

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April 2017 CFIC Necrology

April 2017 CFIC Necrology

Ecumenical News

Georgetown University apologizes for role in slave trade
By Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service

Georgetown has recently acknowledged it benefited from the sale of more than 250 slaves in 1838 to pay off its debts. On Tuesday (April 18), it apologized for its role in the slave trade during a formal “contrition” liturgy. Some of the descendants of those slaves spoke during the ceremony, jointly hosted by the school, the Jesuit order and the Archdiocese of Washington. One of the families’ representatives said penance is required, even as forgiveness is sought

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   Discussion: Marion Lee Johnson: “A Hidden Figure” By Rev. W. Golden Carmon, 1st Episcopal District

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