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Message from the Council of Bishops – A Prayer for Pentecost Message from the Council of Bishops – A Prayer for Pentecost

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Message from the Council of Bishops – A Prayer for Pentecost

Posted on Fri, Jun 13, 2014

Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, the 20th Editor, The Christian Recorder

The Christian Recorder News Break – Message from the Council of Bishops – A Prayer for Pentecost

The African Methodist Episcopal Church
Jeffrey N. Leath, 128th Bishop
Acting President

A Prayer for Pentecost
Almighty God, Creator of all that is, Redeemer of all who believe and Holy Presence within the community of faith,
We praise You!  We love You! We adore You!  We magnify Your Name in holy thoughts, reconciling words and liberating deeds.
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Thank you for salvation through Jesus and ministry empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Thank you for the comfort, guidance and protection we enjoy as the Holy Spirit permeates our lives.  We are grateful for the gifts of the Spirit with which you have endowed us.  We appreciate the opportunity to be Your spirit-filled servants in the world.
We confess that at times we grieve Your Spirit with barriers to a welcome place for Your holiness, and we rebel against submission to Your will.  Have mercy on us!  Give us courage to confront our faults.  Grant us understanding to embrace reformation of our hearts.  Fill us with humility to yield to correction.  Then, receive our praise as we grow stronger in Your will.
Bless our African Methodist Episcopal Church to which You have called us, and bless the community of faith in every place.  Remove jealousy among the disciples, and keep us from envying the gifts we see in others.  Empower us to show our salvation with a committed use of what You have given us.  Bless us with holy discernment.  Grant grace for disciplining each other, and bless us with wisdom to disciple one another.
Spread a tent of protection over us where demons, disease, division and death will not distract us from our mission in the world.  Fill our buckets with living water so we may dispense hope in the cup of care. 
Hear the cries of worried parents; respond to the tears of children and those who are without voice or strength; rescue those who have been stolen from freedom and dignity; heal the wounded; comfort the disturbed; fill us with passion to know truth and seek justice; let everyone hear in their language the good news of Your love and power.
On this celebration of the Day of Pentecost, make our worship alive with Your presence.  Teach us to wait on the true moving of the Holy Spirit.  Let us not hinder the Holy Spirit in ministry to and through us.  Be glorified with our shout.  Confirm our blessing with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
In the Name of Jesus we pray!  Amen
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.
 Acts 2:1
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