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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

NGO's for tsunami disaster relief -- donate now NGO's for tsunami disaster relief -- donate now

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NGO's for tsunami disaster relief -- donate now

Posted on Mon, Jan 10, 2005

"A disaster of Biblical proportions"

All St. James members and adherents who haven't already done so are urged to donate to one of the Christian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are providing disaster aid and assistance to the victims, survivors, and families of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the Indian Ocean area at Christmastime.

Please click this link to go to a list of these NGOs that is maintained at the Sojourners web site:

Local photos from the tsunami and aftermath can be found at:

Even the secular media have reported this as "a disaster of Biblical proportions," sometimes with comparison to 9/11 (50x the loss of life, thus far).

By donating even a small amount, you are helping to project Christ's love, aid, and assistance into a largely non-Christian part of the world that desperately needs help now, and for the foreseeable future.