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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

North Area Meeting of Women's Missionary Society, Dec 4, 2004 North Area Meeting of Women's Missionary Society, Dec 4, 2004

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North Area Meeting of Women's Missionary Society, Dec 4, 2004

Posted on Sat, Jan 1, 2005

The North Area meeting of the Women's Missionary Society, Fourth Episcopal District, was hosted by the St. James Lydia Missionary Society on Saturday, December 4, 2004.  A number of district churches were represented at the meeting.  These churches were:
Bethel A.M.E. - Evanston
Bethel A.M.E. - Milwaukee
Gomez Chapel A.M.E. - Rockford
St. Paul A.M.E. - Madison
St. Mark A.M.E. - Milwaukee
Trinity A.M.E. - Waukegan
Wayman A.M.E. - Racine
As one can see from the number of churches in attendance, the North Area meeting was quite successful and so well attended that St. James was given the "traveling" trophy in honor of having the most attendees at a district meeting. 
Among those Sister Missionaries in attendance were Elaine B. Johnson, the Chicago Conference Branch President and Ella Austin, the North Area Chairperson. 
The North Area District YPD meeting was held at the same time as the missionary meeting, and the election of YPD district officers occurred.  Several of our St. James young people now hold district offices: Justin Schrilla is the District Financial Secretary and Julius Russell is the District Parliamentarian.  We should be very proud of our young YPDers & our Missionary Society members.
   Discussion: North Area Meeting of Women\'s Missionary Society, Dec 4, 2004

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