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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Nursery Dedication Nursery Dedication

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Nursery Dedication

Posted on Fri, Aug 4, 2006

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14 
Bright Bold paint, clear cast alphabet letters and numbers, lively animals, and amusing characters all can be seen in the newly remodeled Nursery room at Saint James AME church.  Sunday, July 30, 2006 launched the new nursery with a lovely dedication ceremony.
Children are our special responsibility, entrusted to our care by God. It is the mission of our Nursery staff here at Saint James AME Church to provide a place where young children are loved, nurtured, and cared for.  In our Nursery, infants, and toddlers have their first introduction to their church home. Here they learn from loving caregivers what Jesus taught the children: God loves you!!
Thanks to all who�s donations of resources and time made this possible.
Elaine Miller---Nursery Director
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