June 29, 2016
Greetings Fellow Laypersons,
We are standing on the threshold of the 50th Quadrennial Session of the General Conference and the Bicentennial Celebration of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
I hope many of you will be attending this historic meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of African Methodism.
Just a few events, I would like to place emphasis on:
· The Bicentennial Torch Run in conjunction with the American Cancer Society will kick-off on Saturday July 2, 2016 from the Richard Allen Marker located at East Lockerman Street and Federal Street in Dover, Delaware and will conclude on July 3, 2016 with the unveiling of the Bishop Richard Allen Statue & Memorial Courtyard. The Statue & Courtyard is located at Mother Bethel AME Church, 419 South 6th Street, Philadelphia, PA. (See Attached Flyer)
· The Unveiling of the Mural of Richard Allen at the First Episcopal District Headquarters will take place on July 4, 2016 at 3:00PM at First District Plaza located at 3801 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (See Attached Flyer)
· The Bicentennial Host District Gala Banquet will take place on July 5th, 2016.
· The Historic Opening Worship Service on July 6, 2016 at 10am.
· The Lay Organization Report to the General Conferencewill take place on July 7, 2016 during the afternoon session. I am asking all laypersons to wear our colors and to please stand in place when we are called upon. Executive Board members are invited to join me on the Dais.
· The Connection Lay Organization’s Breakfast is on Sunday, July 10th at 7 a.m. Proceeds benefit the Lay Scholarship Program and Disaster Relief Fund. I am encouraging all laity and clergy to attend this benefit breakfast. Karen and I look forward to greeting each of you.
· Each morning starting on July 7th at 7 a.m., the Lay Organization will caucus. All laypersons are asked to attend this briefing. Our positions will be discussed.
· Paid observers (Laity and Clergy) are encouraged to attend a Mobilization Training Workshop presented by the Lay Organization’s AME V-Alert on Friday, July 8th from 2 – 4 p.m. Space is limited to 100 persons.
· Please remember our endorsed candidates. John Thomas, III for Editor of The Christian Recorder, Patricia M. Mayberry, Esq. and Derek H. Anderson as Lay Members to the Judicial Council. Our Third Vice President, Starr L. Battle, Esq. is running unopposed for a seat on the Judicial Council as Lay Alternate. The Lay Organization has also endorsed the election of a woman for the position of Bishop.
In other Lay news, we congratulate Sister Patricia Wright who was elected President of the 11th Episcopal District Lay Organization and Brother Jerry Turner who was elected President of the 4th Episcopal District Lay Organization. Brother Melvin Davis was re-elected as President of the 8th Episcopal District Lay Organization. Words of Appreciation was shared with outgoing Presidents, Mr. Charlie Nichols (11th) and Mrs. Madge White (4th).
May God bless those who are traveling with mercy and blessings on the General Conference and the Lay Organization.
Willie C. Glover, Ph.D.
Global President
Connectional Lay Organization



Are you unable to attend 50th Quadrennial of General Conference in Person?
Become a Virtual Observer!
Sign up at http://live.hosted.events/AME2016
For your information the following events will be streamed live:
July 6, 2016 - Opening Worship Service
July 13, 2016 - Consecration Service

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