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 Retirement Celebration for Bishop William P. Deveaux Retirement Celebration for Bishop William P. Deveaux

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Retirement Celebration for Bishop William P. Deveaux

Posted on Sat, Dec 26, 2015

December 25, 2015

DECEMBER 26, 2015


The Connectional Lay Organization Online


Bishop William P. DeVeaux, Sr.

Lay Commission Chairman


Dr. Willie C. Glover

Global President - Connectional Lay Organization


Mr. Walter C. Jeffers

Director of Public Relations



Retirement Celebration for

Bishop William P. DeVeaux

Lay Commission Chairman

Presiding Prelate, 2nd Episcopal District




Dr. PAM DeVeaux

Episcopal Supervisor, 2nd Episcopal District





Second Episcopal District will host their

Annual Founder’s Day Celebration

February 18th-20th, 2016

Reid Temple A.M.E. Church
11400 Glenn Dale Boulevard

Glenn Dale, MD 20769




We are celebrating the RETIREMENT of our dynamic leadership, Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr.,
Presiding Prelate, Second Episcopal District
And Dr. Patricia Ann Morris DeVeaux,
Episcopal Supervisor WMS, Second Episcopal District





Guest Book and Tributes:
You are invited to join us in these festivities and to offer your words of commendation, congratulations and tributes on our online guestbook.  Visit;  (link soon to be active).

For more information and to 
send mail or 

congratulatory messages, please contact: 

Second Episcopal District AME Church
1134 11th Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20001

(202) 842-3788  (Phone)
(202) 289-1942 (FAX)

For information about the retirement celebration,  please visit: or call 

Rev. Valdes Snipes-Bennett at 202-842-3788.

For vendor information, visit:

For information about VIP transportation

please contact: 
Reverend Daryl Kearny via email at

[email protected].
Hotel Information:
Marriott Greenbelt

6400 Ivy Lane

301-441-3700 or 800-228-9290 

(Cut Off Date -01-27-2016)

Courtyard by Marriott

6301 Golden Triangle Drive


(Cut Off Date – 01-27-2016) 

Holiday Inn Greenbelt

7200 Hanover Drive


(Cut Off Date – 01-31-2016)
Important Times and Dates:
Opening Service – Thursday, February 18th at 7:30 pm
Plenary Session – Friday, February 19th at 10:30 am
SED Luncheon – Friday, February 19th at 12 noon

Retirement Celebration

Friday, February 19th at 7:30 pm

Closing Business Session

Saturday, February 20th at 9:00 am
Retirement Celebration Coordinators:
Presiding Elders Rev. Evelyn G. Dunn, 

Southern District, North Carolina Conference


Rev, Dr. Ronald E. Braxton, 

Potomac District,  Washington Conference


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