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SAC Host Conference Call with US Congressman James Clyburn SAC Host Conference Call with US Congressman James Clyburn

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SAC Host Conference Call with US Congressman James Clyburn

Posted on Mon, Apr 20, 2020

General Secretary seal

Dear Members:

Please find below an announcement from the AME Social Action Commission.  Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III, Commission Chair and Mrs. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director/Consultant:



Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III, Commission Chair
Mrs. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director/Consultant


"The Church Called to Action"

DATE:  Tuesday, April 21, 2020

 7AM HST - Hawaii/  9AM AKDT - Alaska/ 1PM AST - Jamaica-Trinidad/ 2PM ADT - Bermuda/ 5PM GMT - Liberia - Nigeria/ 6PM -BST - London/ 7PM SAST - South Africa, Zimbabwe/ 
 10:30PM IST - India

PHONE NUMBER: 667-776-9417 (No access code is needed)

The first 10,000 can be a part of the Plan for Action During and

"Right After" the Pandemic. 

(It will be a power-packed 30-minute kick-off to ministry and service in action.  More to follow.....)

In the stillness, as we listen for God's direction, the church of Richard Allen is being called to discuss ways to forge ahead. 

Remember the Free African Society and the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1793
Decades of struggle for justice, liberty, and freedoms around the world.... past and present.

Practice self-determination in ways that honor our legacy and authentically practice our "mustard seed faith".

Together we can make sense of the world when the world seemingly makes no sense!

-  Special Message from US Congressman James Clyburn (South Carolina, 6th District) Majority Whip and recently appointed Chair of the US House Select Coronavirus Oversight Committee

-  Inspirational Words from Council of Bishops President Bishop Harry L. Seawright, Senior Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson, Social Action Chairperson Bishop Frank M. Reid, III

-  Opportunities "While We Wait" from Social Action Director Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker & visionaries in African Methodism

For more information, please go to or call 213-494-9493  for Sistah "Jackie"




Rev. Dr. Jeffery B. Cooper

General Secretary/CIO

African Methodist Episcopal Church



P.O. Box 331028 - 1720 Scovel Street   - Nashville, TN 37208

Office:  615-254-0911 - Fax:  615-254-0912 - [email protected] 




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