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Service Arrangements For Our Beloved Gwen Ifill Service Arrangements For Our Beloved Gwen Ifill

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Service Arrangements For Our Beloved Gwen Ifill

Posted on Wed, Dec 7, 2016

NOVEMBER 17, 2016


The Connectional Lay Organization Online


Bishop E. Earl McCloud, Jr.

Lay Commission Chairman


Dr. Willie C. Glover

Global President - Connectional Lay Organization


Mr. Walter C. Jeffers

Director of Public Relations




Service Arrangements for Gwen Ifill, the Co-Anchor and Managing Editor of the PBS NewsHour 

Gwen Ifill passed away from cancer Monday 11/14/2016 in hospice care. She was 61. Ms. Ifill is the sister of Presiding Elder Earle Ifill, president of the Connectional Presiding Elder's Council, and Presiding Elder of the Atlanta East District-Atlanta North Georgia Conference of the Sixth Episcopal District.

Service Arrangements for Gwen Ifill are as follows:

Hotel Information:

Twenty rooms have been reserved for the Ifill Service.

Capital Hilton

1001 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

T: 1 202-393-1000

Block Name: Ifill Service
Rate: $138.00 plus tax

Community Tributes:
Friday, November 18, 2016
6:00PM - 10PM
Metropolitan A.M.E. Church
1518 M Street, Northwest
Washington, DC 20005

Family and friends will gather at Metropolitan AME Church for Community Tributes.

The Community Tributes will be live-streamed starting at 6:00PM:
Service of Celebration:
Saturday, November 19, 2016 - 11 AM
Metropolitan A.M.E. Church
1518 M Street, Northwest
Washington, DC 20005
Eulogist: Bishop William P. DeVeaux, Sr. (Retired)

Church Office: 
Church Fax: 202-331-0369
The Rev. William H. Lamar, IV, Pastor of Metropolitan A.M.E. Church
The Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Braxton, Presiding Elder, Potomac District, Washington Conference
Bishop James Levert Davis, Presiding Prelate, Second Episcopal District


The Funeral Service will be live-streamed starting

at 11:00 AM at:

Gwen Ifill Obituary/Sign Guest Book:



The family requests in lieu of flowers, that donations be made to establish a Memorial Scholarship fund at Metropolitan AME Church 
Checks should be made payable to:
Metropolitan AME Church

Memo line: "In memory of Gwen Ifill"

Mail to:
Metropolitan A.M.E. Church
1518 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005 
Or to:
Rev. Earle Ifill 
P. O Box 92485
Atlanta, GA 30314



Cards and messages of condolence may be sent to the address above or emailed to: [email protected] or telephone, 404-202-6820, Presiding Elder Earle Ifill.


Thank you for your prayerful support.
Rev. Earle Ifill
The Rev. William H. Lamar, IV, Pastor of Metropolitan A.M.E. Church
The Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Braxton, Presiding Elder, Potomac District, Washington Conference

Dr. Valdes Snipes-Bennett
Second Episcopal District AMEC
1134 11th Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20001

(202) 842-3788
(202) 289-1942 (FAX)
Bishop James Levert Davis, Presiding Prelate
Mrs. Arelis Beevers Davis, Episcopal Supervisor

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