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Posted on Sat, Aug 30, 2014
The Connectional Lay Organization Online
Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux Sr. - Lay Commission Chairman
Dr. Willie C. Glover - President of the Connectional Lay Organization
Mr. Walter C. Jeffers - Director of Public Relations
"In Loving Memory of Mrs. Eileen S. Warner"

Good Morning,
Please receive the attached flyers, documents from the St Louis area. If you know people who might join in this effort to secure justice for Michael Brown, please share the information them and urge them to get involved.
We are in this movement for the "long haul" as witnessed by the coalitions with which we have worked over the last 5 years. Given the spark lit in Ferguson, the AME Churches in the area have been passed a baton and have taken seriously the mantle passed to them.
More importantly, pray for the strength and direction of our brothers and sisters who continue to "stand on the wall" to make a difference. They are personifying the 5th Episcopal District's Theme: "Rebuilding the Walls: Hand Me Another Brick"
Some of you have strong networks in the St Louis area. Others can create triages of information via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. All of us can do the following:
Send this information to your churches and networks in the St Louis area.
- Plan to participate, if possible.
- Set up a phone tree or robo-call
- Use all social media outlets to spread the word.
"Solutions are found when earnest efforts abound." The work must go on!!
NOTE: For more information, please contact Pastor Booker at St Paul, St Louis.
Sistah "Jackie"
Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director
Social Action Commission
AME Church

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