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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Social Action Commission - Talent Survey Social Action Commission - Talent Survey

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Social Action Commission - Talent Survey

Posted on Tue, Apr 9, 2013

Social Action Commission - Talent Survey

The African Methodist Episcopal Church has talented / influential/ resourceful members working and serving throughout the world in places where their presence could make a significant difference in achieving the mission of this great church and making a difference where the more than 6,000 congregations serve in communities.

As a connectional body, we need to know "who", "where", "what", and "with whom" our fellow AMEs can be counted upon to tithe their time, talent, & treasure. Please take the time to review and complete this survey. You are encouraged to provide information about yourself and/or other members of the AME Church. Examples: Elected or Appointed Officials, Policy Staff in government, Administration of key Organization/ Business, Board Member of key organization/ business – religious, service, civic, social, union, financial, public service, government, media, hospitality, athletic, philanthropic, etc., Support staff for any of the above, Community Activist, etc.


   Discussion: Social Action Commission - Talent Survey

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