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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Sunday, May 17th - Designated as AME - SADA Sunday - the “Evidence of Discipleship” and the Mission of the AME Church in act Sunday, May 17th - Designated as AME - SADA Sunday - the “Evidence of Discipleship” and the Mission of the AME Church in act

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Sunday, May 17th - Designated as AME - SADA Sunday - the “Evidence of Discipleship” and the Mission of the AME Church in act

Posted on Sat, May 16, 2015

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Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Chair, Commission on Publications

The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, the 20th Editor, The Christian Recorder


The Christian Recorder News Break – Sunday, May 17th - Designated as AME - SADA Sunday - the “Evidence of Discipleship” and the Mission of the AME Church in action
May 17th is designated as AME - SADA (Service and Development Agency) Sunday in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.  As we prepare for this special day, let us also reflect on the history of SADA and our work in South Africa. 
· AME SADA is a humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Haiti and the Republic of South Africa. 

· Since the late 1800s, the African Methodist Episcopal Church has had a long, rich presence in the Republic of South Africa.

· 50% of the population in South Africa lives below the poverty level.

· AME SADA supports students at Wilberforce Community College located in the 19th Episcopal District - Evaton, South Africa.

· 610 students are currently enrolled at Wilberforce Community College.

· African National Congress veteran, Charlotte Maxeke in 1908, founded the school. She was a 1905 graduate of Wilberforce University located in the 3rd Episcopal District - Wilberforce, Ohio.

· AME SADA - Wilberforce Community College is supported with financial contributions from the AME Church, the United States International Development Office of American Schools (USAID) and private organizations/donors.

· Wilberforce offers academic programs in Business and Management Science. 
***** Wilberforce Community College also engages students in finding renewable and alternate energy sources.
***** In 2012, Wilberforce Community College hosted a successful Solar Institute for 32 local (Evaton) high school students to teach them how to build solar panels and locate alternate energy fields.
Your contributions to AME SADA will help to transform and enrich the lives of our children living in South Africa. Wilberforce Community College is creating global graduates and leaders for the future. Your prayers and financial contributions on Sunday, May 17th are the “Evidence of Discipleship” and the mission of the AME Church in action.
Bishop McKinley Young, Chairperson & the AME SADA Board
Mr. Robert Nicolas, Executive Director
   Discussion: Sunday, May 17th - Designated as AME - SADA Sunday - the “Evidence of Discipleship” and the Mission of the AME Church in action

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