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Sunday School Fundraiser
Posted on Sun, Jul 9, 2006
The St. James Sunday School is pleased to announce their summer T-shirt fundraiser. When you wear one of our St. James AME Church T-Shirts. you are not only helping to raise support for our Church, you are helping to spread the GOOD NEWS. Statistics show that before a T Shirt is tossed into the "rag bag" it is read over 3000 times. This means every time you wear one of our shirts, the gospel could be shared up to 3000 times. This has the potential to CHANGE LIVES FOR ETERNITY
The price is only $10.00. Buy one for yourself, and one for a friend. A sample is in the Narthex along with a sign up sheet. Money is due upon delivery. Sizes through 6X are available. For additional information, see Dr. Wes Scott.
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