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Take Action to Protect Medicaid Take Action to Protect Medicaid

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Take Action to Protect Medicaid

Posted on Tue, Jun 27, 2017

Message from the AMEC Connectional WMS

Message from the AMEC Connectional WMS

General Secretary seal


Greetings AME Members!


Message from the Connectional WMS Office:


As we continue to live out our call to welcome the stranger and extend compassion to refugees fleeing violence and persecution, we also need to ensure we have the right programs in place to help them integrate and thrive. The United States protects the world’s most vulnerable refugees. Medical and health care coverage are critical to meeting their basic needs. Medicaid provides many refugees the access to life-saving, affordable health care and coverage to address their medical and mental health needs during their initial resettlement period. A recent reportilluminated the lifeline Medicaid extends to refugees and other vulnerable Americans.
We are at a dire time in our struggle to keep quality, affordable health coverage for the most vulnerable men, women, and children in our country. The “Better Care Reconciliation Act” would cause massive harm to our communities, including refugees, and must be rejected. This bill endangers more than 70 million children, disabled people, seniors in nursing homes, and hardworking individuals and families who rely on Medicaid for health care. This means more people could die because they will not have a right to coverage. It is a moral tragedy in the making. Senate leadership is rushing the bill to a vote by June 30th. Today, and the next few days, are our last best chance to stop this immoral bill

Call 1-888-738-3058 Now!
Please call twice to reach both of your Senators.


When you call, here’s what you might say: “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY/TOWN]. As a person of faith, I’m calling to oppose the “Better Care Reconciliation Act”. I oppose any efforts to cut or cap Medicaid, and no one should lose coverage as a result of a healthcare replacement bill. Please protect the human dignity of the millions of Americans who would lose coverage. Please oppose the “Better Care Reconciliation Act”.
Please add your personal story! You can also tweet your Senators and share your story on Facebook and Twitter. Use the hashtags #Faith4Medicaid #ProtectOurCare #SaveMedicaid.
Lives are on the line, and your calls can make the difference. We need to let all Senators know that people of faith support health care and are against this bill. We need you to call your Senators at 1-888-738-3058 NOW to protect Medicaid and oppose this health plan. By taking action, we pray we can stop this bill and maintain a 50 year old commitment to quality care for our community members. Millions of lives are on the line. Please call your Senators at 1-888-738-3058 to stop this bill. Call twice to reach both Senators, and keep calling until we stop this bill!
Please spread the word and share this email with your networks! Thank you for all your work and support! 

Shirley Cason Reed, International WMS President in collaboration with Jen Smyers, Director of Policy and Advocacy Immigration and Refugee Program Church World Service.

Supporting our advocacy work is more important than ever. Go to to donate.


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please direct them to the International WMS Headquarters Office.


Peace, Love and Blessings,


Angela Fox,

Data Specialist, Connectional WMS




Jeffery Cooper

General Secretary/CIO

African Methodist Episcopal Church


P.O. Box 331028 - 500 8th Avenue South - Nashville, TN 37203 

Office:  615-254-0911 - Fax:  615-254-0912 - [email protected] 

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