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Take Action to Stop Gun Violence Now Urges AME Church Social Action Commission Take Action to Stop Gun Violence Now Urges AME Church Social Action Commission

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Take Action to Stop Gun Violence Now Urges AME Church Social Action Commission

Posted on Wed, Dec 19, 2012


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, December 14, 2012


Tragic Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut


The African Methodist Episcopal Church joins with citizens all across the United States and around the world, in extending our sympathy and prayers to the parents, families and loved ones of those who lost their lives in the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut . Each life lost, leaves us heartbroken, but we are especially saddened and grieved by the loss of twenty young children whose promise has been cut short and whose dreams and hopes will never be realized. None of this makes sense.


Earlier this year following the tragic shooting at a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado where others tragically lost their lives, the African Methodist Episcopal Church called upon our political leaders and others around the nation, to engage in discussion and debate about reforming gun laws in our country. “Today, after more gun violence resulting in the tragic loss of 20 children and eight adults, we again call upon every American to engage in discussion and debate about reforming our nation’s gun laws. Gun violence has become commonplace in our nation. Earlier, this very week we had to face shooting at a mall in Oregon, and now before the week is over, we are tormented by this horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. And how many other incidents have gone unreported, yet claimed the lives and peace of mind, while no corrective action is being enacted?


The African Methodist Episcopal Church will continue its work as a partner in Faiths United Against Gun Violence to raise and move our elected leaders to address the issue of gun reform in our nation. As we are aware, the gun lobby is very strong, has much money and great political influence in the national and state capitals across this country. Often times our political leaders are intimidated and afraid to speak out about reforming guns laws. The times in which we live, and the consequences of reckless gun use, demand courage and determination from our political leaders, the faith community and individual citizens to change them.


This Sunday the African Methodist Episcopal Church calls upon each of our congregations to join in collective prayer for the souls of those who lost their lives, their families and survivors and for our nation to join with us in the determination to act now, to reduce gun violence that is spreading across our nation. Wherever you live, work, and worship, let us re-commit to make a difference.

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