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The Christian Recorder News Break The Christian Recorder News Break

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The Christian Recorder News Break

Posted on Tue, Aug 20, 2013

August 19, 2013

Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, the 20th Editor, The Christian Recorder

The Christian Recorder News Break – August 19, 2013 – “The Butler” a “must see” movie

TCR Editor’s Note: Our family saw “the Butler” last evening and it is a powerful, “must see” movie! Allen (University) is mentioned in the movie. The AME Church has such a rich history!
Good evening fellow Sons and Daughters of Richard and Sarah Allen:
This morning (8/18/13) I received and read a text message from the Vice-Chair of the AMEC Social Action Commission urging us to become “economic engines” for good messages. We often commiserate about our young people not understanding our history, and our older people not remembering how we made progress as a people. I often wish that we knew all of the sacrifices made by the many whose stories have never been told. Now, we all have a chance to learn, enjoy and get a new wrinkle in our brains with one simple act - going to see the movie "The Butler" before the weekend in over. Please see the message below from the AME Church's Social Action Commission vice chair, Brother Reginald McGill:
"If you have not viewed the movie - you must go and see it on today. We all must help the film to blow its movie ratings out of the water. The story line, the acting, everything about it is so real. This film should be the top-seller for this weekend as well as the film of the year, net…bottomline, this is a “must see” movie for every American and especially black families!"
Reginald McGill
NOTE: My family and I had talked about going tonight...... Now it is not just "talking" we must do it. Thanks Brother "Reggie"
Ms. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director of Social Action Commission AME Church

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