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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

The Last Supper The Last Supper

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The Last Supper

Posted on Wed, Apr 2, 2014

April 20th @ 10;30 AM



The Sunday School Department will present the dramatization of the Living Last Supper.  Leonardo, versatile genius of the Renaissance, was born in Vinci, Italy in 1452.  Though he excelled in many fields, he is remembered today because of two wonderful paintings; the MONA LISA and THE LAST SUPPER.  In 1494, when Leonardo was forty-two, he was commissioned by the Duke of Milan to decorate the dining room of the convent Church which was the favorite shrine of the Duke's young bride.  As an appropriate theme for this dining room, the painter chose THE LAST SUPPER.  His painting was not intended to be a faithful reproduction of the original scene as it had taken place in first century Palestine, but as it might have taken place in fifteenth century Italy.  He chose what he considered the most dramatic moment of THE LAST SUPPER.  In this LIVING DRAMATIZATION, the twelve apostles speak their minds to themselves, to each other and to the Lord in the light of the words which they have just heard Jesus speak, "One of you will betray me."


Everyone is invited, admission is free. Please bring a friend. If interested in participating in this event as a member of the cast or crew, please contact Dr Wes Scott or Kimberly Hanford.
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