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 Urgent Prayer Request from Presiding Elder Moses O. Achola of the East Africa Annual Conference Urgent Prayer Request from Presiding Elder Moses O. Achola of the East Africa Annual Conference

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Urgent Prayer Request from Presiding Elder Moses O. Achola of the East Africa Annual Conference

Posted on Wed, Apr 8, 2015

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Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, the 20th Editor, The Christian Recorder


The Christian Recorder Breaking NewsUrgent Prayer Request from Presiding Elder Moses O. Achola of the East Africa Annual Conference


The AME Church on the continent of Africa is being faced with grave challenges that do call for very urgent and heart-felt prayer.
Kenya, in the East Africa Annual Conference in the 17th Episcopal District has just come out of a heinous terrorist attack on a university campus where 147 students lost their lives at the hands of gunmen. In the attack, Christians and all who could not recite the Qur-anic verses were shot in cold-blood. This precedes an earlier attack on a bus whereas the passengers were dragged out at gunpoint and Christians were shot, 38 people lost their lives. A week later, there was another attack at a quarry site and again in the same style of execution, 16 people lost their lives.
Three times, this same evil has been meted out on believers at three churches that were in worship services and pastors and congregants fell in a hail of bullets.
In Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, there still are disturbances with a rebel movement, which is affecting our churches in the Great Lakes Annual Conference of the 17th Episcopal District.
Bishop Wilfred Jacobus Messiah is the Presiding Prelate of the 17th Episcopal District.
We solicit for your prayer for Divine intervention.
Thank you,
The Reverend Moses O. Achola,
Presiding Elder
East Africa Annual Conference
   Discussion: Urgent Prayer Request from Presiding Elder Moses O. Achola of the East Africa Annual Conference

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