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USPS Media Center video highlights of the video coverage of the Dedication Service of the Forever Stamp honoring Richard Allen USPS Media Center video highlights of the video coverage of the Dedication Service of the Forever Stamp honoring Richard Allen

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USPS Media Center video highlights of the video coverage of the Dedication Service of the Forever Stamp honoring Richard Allen

Posted on Thu, Feb 4, 2016


Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Chair, Commission on Publications

The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend  Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, the 20th Editor, The Christian Recorder

The Christian Recorder News Break – USPS Media Center video highlights of the video coverage of the Dedication Service of the Forever Stamp honoring Richard Allen
The U.S. Postal Service kicked off the national observance of Black History Month with the dedication of a Forever stamp honoring preacher, activist and civic leader Richard Allen for his inspirational life and profound contribution to American history. The ceremony was held at Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, founded by Allen on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
Today, Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church stands on the site where Allen converted that old blacksmith’s shop more than two centuries ago. The denomination he founded now boasts more than 2.5 million members. His life — a legacy of determination, uplift, charity and faith — remains an inspiration to all Americans.
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TCR Editor’s Comment: We are expecting the release of the full service that was held at Mother Bethel
   Discussion: USPS Media Center video highlights of the video coverage of the Dedication Service of the Forever Stamp honoring Richard Allen

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