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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

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Want to Help?

Posted on Sat, Sep 10, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Recovery

The devastation that has occurred in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama as a result of Hurricane Katrina has reached unimaginable proportions, and the extent of the damage caused is still unfolding.

Volunteer Centers in the affected areas are reeling from the impact and from the demands for assistance that they are receiving from their community. Currently the Centers are helping to recruit and place volunteers in shelters and other areas identified by their local emergency management offices. Until the extent of the damage is assessed, however, actual needs are not yet known and specific supplies and volunteers (outside of emergency management personnel) have not been requested.

Therefore, please do not:

  • send unsolicited donations of clothing, food and other material goods
  • travel to the affected communities to volunteer unless you have an assigned role by an organization with whom you have already affiliated, a method of transportation, and a place to stay

In the meantime, there are several ways you can help:

Volunteering in one of the affected areas is likely not possible at this time. We recognize this can be frustrating; however, there are other ways that you can help.

We encourage you to volunteer locally through a Volunteer Center in your community or through your local American Red Cross or Salvation Army.

You can donate time to the local chapters of the organizations aiding in the hurricane efforts, or volunteer to help your own community prevent and prepare for future disasters.

Connect to volunteer opportunities in your community through your local Volunteer Center using


  • Donate to Disaster Relief Funds
    Donate through your AME Church, The American Red Cross, or The Salvation Army.

If you have questions about volunteering in the recovery efforts in those areas affected by Hurricane Katrina, please contact [email protected].

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