African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Chairperson
www.ame-sac.com - website
Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Director/Consultant
[email protected] – email
(Los Angeles) The Social Action Commission (SAC) supports the call of Senior Bishop John R. Bryant in asking all members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church to wear black to church on December 14th, the second Sunday of this month. Wearing black is intended to send a message that “Black life has value.” Over the last several months we have seen unarmed Blacks killed by police, and grand juries have not indicted any police, even when there was a video showing the Black male being choked by police and saying “I can’t breathe.” By wearing black each of us can individually affirm that our lives have value. It is important that we individually and collectively express our belief that our lives have value.
We also call upon every pastor to speak to his/her congregation about the events of the last few weeks and encourage the members and visitors, by reminding them that while these are difficult days, “right will win”. While we grieve the deaths of each of our brothers, we are especially grieved and saddened by the senseless shooting by Cleveland, Ohio police of Tamir Rice, a 12 years old playing with a pellet gun in a park. We must affirm that Black life has value. It is important that pastors shepherd their congregations at this difficult time. God does have a word for the living and facing of these days.
During the worship service pastors are also asked to call those who will, to come to the altar and offer prayer that God will intervene to end the demonic pattern of killing unarmed Blacks, and that God will give us faith and courage “for the facing of these days”. Let us also pray that God will heal our land, and bring about reconciliation.
Every Bishop, Presiding Elder, Pastor and Congregant is asked to post this notice on Facebook, Twitter and whatever social media you use, as well as by phone and word of mouth. Let’s get the word out.
This Sunday (December 7th), every pastor should urge all worshippers to wear “black” to church following Sunday (December 14th).
The Social Action Commission (SAC) also asks each AME to lift us in prayer as we seek to have legislation introduced to reform our system of justice, specifically our grand jury system which should impartially review the conduct and behavior of law enforcement. We propose in these situations that a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate and handle the case. County prosecutors who manage these cases under the present system have proven to be biased and subject to conflicts of interest. The SAC will reach out to other partners to support and shape this effort.
The Word of God calls upon us to “pray at all times”, and certainly these times require us to pray. We call and ask everyone to join us in prayer and ask for divine intervention. Stay in touch via the SAC website – www.ame-sac.com. Share any stories you have about Wear Black Sunday, incidents in your community, and advocacy actions in which you are involved. You are called for such a time as this!
Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Chair
Sistah “Jackie” Dupont Walker, Director
Bishop John R. Bryant, Senior Bishop of the AME Church having issued an invitation for CHRISTIAN LEADERS to designate SUNDAY DECEMBER 14, 2014 as "BLACK LIFE MATTERS SUNDAY" throughout the United States of America has begun to receive a broad range of ECUMENICAL SOLIDARITY.
Among whom are:
Presiding Bishop Neil Ellis
Bishop Joseph Walker
Dr. Cynthia L. Hale
President Samuel Tolbert
President James Perkins
Bishop George Battle
Bishop Lawrence Reddick
Presiding Bishop Charles Blake
Archbishop J. Delano Ellis
Bishop Charles Ellis
Black Presbyterians of Southern California
Dr. Otis Moss III
Bishop Brazier
Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner.
Dr. Teresa Fry Brown
Presiding Bishop Paul Morton.
1. Reach out to community members
and ask those who attend to wear Black
2. Conduct A SPECIAL ALTAR CALL for young men and boys PRAYING GOD's COVERING over their souls, their lives, their families and their Destinies
