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 Wilberforce University President Algeania Freeman feels good about this week’s accreditation visit Wilberforce University President Algeania Freeman feels good about this week’s accreditation visit

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Wilberforce University President Algeania Freeman feels good about this week’s accreditation visit

Posted on Sat, May 2, 2015

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Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Chair, Commission on Publications
The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr., Publisher
The Reverend Dr. Calvin H. Sydnor III, the 20th Editor, The Christian Recorder


 The Christian Recorder News Break – Wilberforce University President Algeania Freeman feels good about this week’s accreditation visit
Wilberforce University makes policy changes, upgrades campus in bid to keep accreditation
WILBERFORCE, Ohio — The nation's oldest historically black private university is making policy changes and spending more than $3 million on its southwestern Ohio campus in an effort to keep its accreditation.
The Higher Learning Commission sent a warning to Wilberforce University last June requiring the school to show why accreditation shouldn't be withdrawn.
Members of an accreditation team will visit the campus this month to evaluate whether Wilberforce has resolved the issues outlined. They include low enrollment and financial deficits.
The commission has said loss of accreditation could result in students lacking eligibility for federal financial aid and having problems transferring credits.
Wilberforce University President Algeania (Al-JEEN'-yuh) Freeman told the Dayton Daily News ( ) that the school has been following the commission's recommendations and feels good about the upcoming visit.
Information from Dayton Daily News,
   Discussion: Wilberforce University President Algeania Freeman feels good about this week’s accreditation visit

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