The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church met in Los Angeles, CA at the LAX Hilton, June 19-21, 2017. The Council wishes to highlight the following decisions:
1. The Council of Bishops heard a powerful presentation from Rev. Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith from BREAD FOR THE WORLD. Dr. Walker-Smith encouraged us to engage our members and ministries to “DO OUR PART TO END HUNGER AND POVERTY.” The Council made a commitment to lobby for effective policies and programs to end hunger and poverty.
2. Her Excellency Arikans Chihomobi-Quano, the African Union Ambassador to the United States gave us an encouraging and empowering challenge. After hearing her inspiring presentation, the Council of Bishops committed to actions that will help Africa and Africans thrive physically, emotionally, politically and economically. We want to be clear that we are especially concerned about the children of Africa and we urge African Methodists to pray and support efforts for the welfare of our people.
3. The Council of Bishops affirms the purpose of the General Board Self-Study. Thank you Bishop Vashti McKenzie for your outstanding leadership in this area.
4. The Council received and adopted the report of the Grievance Committee:
- The matter of the Rev. George Moore vs. Bishop Preston Williams is no longer before the Council.
- In the matter of 17th District Lay vs. Bishop Wilfred Messiah, it is the recommendation that the aggrieved persons seek remedy through established AMEC judicial procedure.
- In matters from the 19th District and Bishop Paul J.M. Kawimbe, the Council has agreed, “In light of the pending trial, the committee withholds any actions in these matters until the conclusion of judicial procedure.”
5. The Anvil is a publication espousal by the Council of Bishops under the direction of Bishop Vashti Mckenzie. Since its inception it has generated over $120,000.00 in grants that have been given by the Council. This year’s $10,000.00 grant will benefit the Interdenominational Theological Center.
6. The Council endorsed a strong statement that asks for prayer and support for the NAACP as they transition through this season of leadership changes and focus on much needed institutional transformation and growth.
7. The Council of Bishops designated tonight’s benevolent offering be divided equally between the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the African Union
8. The Council initiated a plan to purchase the remaining 21,000 Richard Allen commemorative stamps from the United States Postal Service.
Finally, the Council of Bishops wishes to congratulate Bishop Clement W. Fugh on his investiture as President of the Council and the leadership of the Fifth Episcopal District which hosted the meeting with extraordinary excellence.