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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Usher's Annual Day Usher's Annual Day

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Usher's Annual Day

Posted on Wed, Jul 19, 2006

Progressive Baptist Church

St. James AME Church family will fellowship with Progressive Baptist Church, 305 Ann St. Elgin, for their Usher's Annual Day on Sunday July 23rd. The service is at 3:30 pm. Pastor Senyah will bring the message and the Senior Choir will sing. Please plan to attend.


   Discussion: Usher\'s Annual Day
Betty Hill (anon) · 15 years, 11 months ago
Our Usher's Annual Day is the second Sunday in October.  I was wondering if you guys did anything special, I put our program together using the usher. Mistress/master of ceremory,  some one to  read the scripture psalm 84. one of the usher to do the usher's history and so on.  If there is anything different please reply back and let me know.

Betty Hill (anon) · 15 years, 11 months ago

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