Posted on Sun, Feb 11, 2007
The Women's Day Team #1 Presents:
Tom Thumb Wedding Fundraiser, Saturday, March 17, 2007 @ 2:00pm. The 1st rehearsal will be Feb 17, 2007 @ 10:00am. For more information please contact Mrs. Wanda Glover or Mrs. Margaretta Senyah, team captains.
Dear Pastor,
I am thinking about doing a tom thumb wedding to raise money for a family event. My mother has six children and eighteen grandchildren (most are adults) and 5 great grand children. We would all like to take my mother to the mountains for a thanksgiving holiday together all her children and their spouses, grand children and their spouses and greatgrand children. This is my mothers dream. We are a very close family we all live within 3 to 15 miles of each other some of us live just minutes away from each other. I would like to do this project to bring my extended family (my cousins)and all there grand children together because the grandchildren and greatgrand children don't all know each other. So many families and friends will come together for this occasion I can almost visualize it in my mind. I'm it take place in a park on a warm spring day. Please e-mail me your script and any ideas you may have to make this a very meaningful occasion that the adults can enjoy as well.
The JLBC Community Alliance is raising funds in order renovate an old school house that was built in the 1931. I thought that we could sponsor a Tom Thumb Wedding as a potential fundraiser.
I would greatly appreciate any information that you could provide for us.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you...Jane Kruse
1707 Daniel Dr.
Millbury, OH 43447
Can you please e-mail me your script for the Tom Thumb wedding that my church will present in October 2010
Hello Pastor,
I am planning a Tom Thumb Wedding for August 2010. Any information you can send me would be greatly appreciated. Thank-You.
Saint Paul AME Church
Mckeesport PA
Good morning I am hosting a Tom Thumb wedding could you please give me any information.
Moynett Allen
I will greatly appreciate lookin at the script that you wrote for the wedding. Thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Senior's Ministry is looking for a scirpt and or guidelnes for presenting this skit. We will be HONORED to acknowledge you as the Author.
Please forward skirt and manner of your acknowlement as soon as possible, we have been looking for some time.
Mayn His peace be yours,
Good Evening,
My Name is Lynda Mitchell I am The first lady of Union Chapel AME Church in Newark New Jersey. We would like to put on our Tom Thumb Wedding in June. I would appreciate if you would send me your script. I will make sure that you are credited in the program. If you would like I will email you a copy.
Your in His Service
Lynda Mitchell
I would like very much to have a copy of your script for the Tom Thumb Wedding. The First Lady and I are trying to pull this off by May 5, 2012. We have our wedding party, dresses, suits, etc. but are in need of a script. Thanks in advance for your prompt attention. We look forward to getting your materials and will certainly give credit where credit is due.
I am planning tom thumb wedding.. I would like help.. Am i able to use your script or any assistance you may provide. Can you please HELP doing this as a fundraiser for my church. I will do what ever necessary to credit you for your work
I would like to see if you could send me a email of the tom thumb wedding or if you could mailit to me 1306 fairland place louisville, ky. 40211.
My name is anitra gunn thakn you
I'm in the process of planning a Tom Tumb Wedding. What kind of information can you give me? Program is what I'm mostly interest in.
We are planning a tom thumb wedding for our children's ministry, and I would like to get a script for it. thank you
Hello I am a member of the Maryland Church of God in Christ. We are planning a Tom thumb wedding for the second Saturday, September 2011. I would love to receive your vows and order of planning. Thank you God bless
I want to do a Tom Thumb wedding fundraiser at my church i need help... CAN YOU PLEASE HELP
We would like to put on a Tom Thumb Wedding for and end of the year preschool program. I have been looking for a script and can not find one. Thanks for your help!
Hi, I am a film and tv producer based in Los Angeles, CA and we are looking to film a tom thumb wedding as the basis for a documentary television series to show the world this great tradition. If you are planning one or know anyone who is, would you be so kind as to email me at [email protected] thank you in advance. Jason
Would you share your script. I am planning a Tom Thumb for my youth group in November 2010. Thanks Mae
I can also share other events we have done.
I see you are planning a Tom Thumb wedding in PA for August 2010. I'm a documentary TV Producer and am wondering if I can come and put your wedding on tape? My phone # is 310-650-7558 and my email address is [email protected].
Tanya Hekimian
hello pastor my name is juanica reed and i am a youth director for our y.p.d department at community a.m.e in cleveland, ohio we are very excited about putting on our first production any information you could give me on how to make our tom thumb wedding a success will be greatly appreciated. thank you, juanica reed community a.m.e church
I'm planning a Tom Thumb Wedding at my church Greater New Foundation Church Chicago, IL, It will be held in December 18th 2010 I would like to get as much Information I can on sponsoring this wedding, Thanks ! Precious
I would like to have a Tom Thumb Wedding at my church also I need help with the script or vows It will Greatly appreciated Sherlean New Jersey
hello pastor my name is Joyce Jones and I'm the Youth Director for our Y.P.D. Department at St. Paul A.M.E. Church in Philadelphia, PA. We are very excited about putting on our first Tom thumb Wedding. Any information (script,etc.) you could give me on how to make our tom thumb wedding a success will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!!!
Good evening Pastor my name is Diane Dews and I'm the Youth Director at The First Baptist Church in Lucas Texas We are very excited about putting on our first Tom thumb Wedding. Any information (script,etc.) you could give me on how to make our tom thumb wedding a success will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!!!
Good Afternoon,
My name is Geraldine D. Jones, I am a member of Brooks A.M.E. Worship Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. I am the President of the Women Missionary Society and I would like information on how to host a Tom Thumb Wedding as a fundraiser at my church. I am originally from New Orleans, La. were we always have Tome Thumb Wedding but, in Corpus Christi, Texas they have never heard of a Tom Thumb Wedding. I would Greatly appreciate it if you could help me out so I could make this as one of our yearly fund raisers.
Thanks alot,
Geraldine D. Jones
(361) 779-8076
e-mail: [email protected]
I would like to have a Tom Thumb wedding at my church. Will you please send me some information on how to get started. Your help will be appreciate.
Thanks Kim Butler
Our organization is considering a "Tum Thumb Wedding" as our chapter's fundraiser. Will you please share your script with us. As requested, we will definitely give you credit for its development.
Good evening Pastor my name is Althera and I'm the Youth Director at Bethel AMEC - Monticello, FL. We are very excited about putting on our first Tom thumb Wedding. Any information (script,etc.) you could give me on how to make our tom thumb wedding a success will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!!!
Good afternoon Pastor my name is Evely Johson and I'm the chair person for our annual fellowship tea this year and I decided that for a fund raiser and entertainment this would be nice. If you could send any script, ect information I would really appreciate it. The wedding will be August 28th. Your help will be ver much appreciated. Thank you very much!!!
Hi, our church, Moore's Chapel A.M. E. is planning a Tom THumb Wedding. Please send me a copy of your script. Thanks
Good morning! I was reading your website and see that you have gotten a lot of inquiries for the Tom Thumb Wedding. Well, I, too, am requesting a copy. I understand that this can be time consuming, I am willing to compensate you for your troubles. My church is Greater Howard Chapel AME located in McClellanville, SC. If you can help me, I really would appreciate it. Thanks a million. Whatever we do, we will definitely give you credit. Again, I am willing to compensate you for your time and effort. May God bless you.
Hello, I am bringing a curriculum to Kentucky for Childhood Obesity. I need to raise $25.00 per child per curriculum. I am planning a Tom Thumb weddding and would like any information or script you can provide. Thank you. Bonita Smith Louisville, KY
The idea of doing a Tom Thumb Wedding just came to me during worship while watching the youth minister. If I could get a copy of your script that would be a great blessing. I don't have an idea on how to set it up so this would be of great help. Thank you and be blessed.
The Missionary Auxiliary at Solomon Temple Baptist Church Philadelphia Pa are trying to put together a Tom Thumb Wedding for a fundraiser as well as to educate our Children's Ministry on who he was. I you would kindly send me a copy of the script we would gladly credit you in or program. If there is any other information that you could pass on we would appreciate all the help.
God Bless You
Sister Anni Pasley
The Women's Ministry at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Martinsburg, WV is planning a Tom Thumb wedding. We would like to get any script for the vows. If you would send us a script we would gladly credit you in our program. If you should have any other information regarding the wedding it would be greatly appreciated. God Bless You, Sister Gloria Marshall
We would like to plan a Tom Thumb Wedding in July for our youth usher board. Will you please send me a copy of your script.
Thank you
We are planning a Tom Thumb wedding in July as a fundraiser for our Youth Usher Board. We would be grateful, if you would provide us with a copy of your script. We will be glad to give your church credit in our program. Thank you very much.
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