Ebola Virus Informational Audio Conference for Faith and Community Based Organizations
As more and more questions are raised regarding Ebola virus, what it is, how is it spread, how to contain its spread and how faith and community based organizations (FBCOs) may assist the communities they serve, a jointly sponsored conference will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 11:00 AM EST.
Resource And Promotion of Health Alliance, Inc., The African Methodist Episcopal Church Connectional Health Commission and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are hosting this conference for all faith and community based organizations. Based on a series of forums and webinars jointly conducted by CDC and Rev. Miriam J. Burnett, MD, MPH concerning Pandemic Flu, this conference will not only provide scientific information but will discuss the potential role of the places of worship, community and family with possible action items. A question and answer period will follow the presentations.
Audio Links:
USA Toll Free: 800-857-5755
International: 312-470-7181
Verbal Passcode: COMMUNITY
In an effort to answer as many questions as possible, please email your questions to [email protected] prior to the call. This will us to aggregate similar questions.
The conference will be recorded and available for future access.
Please find the CDC Factsheet entitled “What You Need to Know About Ebola” attached to this email. It is also accessible at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/pdf/what-need-to-know-ebola.pdf.
A follow-up session will be held during the normally scheduled Connectional Health Commission meeting on
Friday, October 31 at 8PM.
Audio Link: 424-203-8405
Passcode: 993296#
Information on Disaster and other Preparedness materials can be found at www.amechealth.org.
Thank you,
Rev. Miriam J. Burnett, MD, MDiv, MPH
Pastor, New Bethel AMEC, Willow Grove, PA
President, Resource And Promotion of Health Alliance, Inc.
(R.A.P.H.A., Inc.)
Medical Director, AMEC Connectional Health Commission
Tel: 267-636-2407 or 770-328-2002