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Lydia Missionary Society Assembles Tsunami Health Kits Lydia Missionary Society Assembles Tsunami Health Kits

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Preparing Health Kits for Tsunami Victims
Preparing Health Kits for Tsunami Victims
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Lydia Missionary Society Assembles Tsunami Health Kits

Posted on Sat, Feb 12, 2005

Saturday Feb 5, 2005 Prepared Kits Destined for Southern Asia

As part of the efforts to assist the victims of the disaster in southern Asia, on Saturday February 5, the Lydia Missionary Society assembled health kits to be sent to the victims.  Each kit contains a hand towel, washcloth, comb, metal nail file, bath size bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and bandaids.  Pictured you will see some of the kits to be sent to Church Women United, who in turn will forward the kits to the Church World Service for distribution.  This is an ongoing project so please feel free to contribute any of the items listed above to the Missionary Society.  If you wish to make a monetary donation, the Missionary Society will purchase the items for you. Contact any Missionary for additional information.
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