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Men Under Construction; Anchored in Christ
Posted on Sat, Aug 6, 2005
(2005 Men's Day) Open Letter to the Men of St. James
�Men under Construction; Anchored in Christ�
August 6, 2005
Re: 2005 Men�s Day
Greetings Brothers in Christ:
This short note is to provide you with the confirmed date for this year�s Men�s Day Celebration and the associated events. We are hopeful that your schedule will permit you to participate and fellowship with us as we continue to uplift the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The planning committee has worked very hard to make this year�s event the one to emulate for many years to come.
The Men�s Day celebration will be incorporated into the morning worship service on September 25, 2005 at 10:30am with Rev. Garry Moss, Faith Community AME Church as our guest speaker. The theme is: �Men Under Construction; Anchored in Christ.� All men are encouraged to wear black suits with white shirt and black tie to demonstrate our bond and commitment on that day. However, this is not a mandatory requirement, so please don�t let that keep you from your blessing. Additionally, we are extending an invitation to men of all ages, young and old to participate in all of our events. So, feel free to include your sons, grandsons, friends and neighbors kids (even the ones you don�t like).
Our annual pancake breakfast is September 17th at 9:00 am at the Church. We are looking for donations of food to prepare and volunteers to help coordinate, cook and serve.
Singers and Non-Singers (warm bodies) are needed to help fill our Male Chorus. We will practice on Saturdays from 9:00am-10:30am starting with our first rehearsal on August 13th.
Finally, the men have set the goal of raising $3000 to support the Church. The assessment for this year has been set at $75.00 per adult male. This may be made in increments or paid in full by Sept 25th. If you are not able to pay the full assessment, please remember our efforts through any gift you are able to provide. Don�t forget to designate your contribution as �Men�s Day Assessment.�
Our next Men�s Day Planning and review meeting is on September 10th at 10:00 am. Everyone is invited to attend. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me (Wes Scott) at 847-652-2995.
Rev. Francis Senyah Eary Isibue
Pastor Sedric Culberson
Dr. W.E. Scott
Recording Secretary
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